March 2: “An Introduction to DXing: How to get Started--Useful Tools and Other Resources,” by Bill Meeker, KØKT (be sure to click on blue “read more” tab near right margin).

DX means long-distance radio communications. The definition of “long-distance” depends on the radio frequency band. Bill’s presentation will focus on HF DXing (160 through 10 meters). Many hams enjoy the challenge of working DX. With the increase in sunspots that we will see in the next few years and the advent of FT8, there will be more opportunities for making DX contacts. In his presentation, Bill will explain how to get involved in DXing on the HF bands.

February 2: “Winlink for Radio Amateurs,” Zachary Beese, WWØK (be sure to click on blue "Read more" tab near right margin)

Bullet Points from Zach’s presentation:
Winlink -- A brief history
Winlink -- usage of forms and templates (like ICS-213, radiogram, etc.)
Winlink -- modern digital replacement/supplement to ARES nets and activations
Winlink -- account setup/creation
Winlink -- VHF / packet and VARA-FM
Winlink -- HF / ARDOP and VARA
Winlink -- relay + sysop / gateway programs
Winlink -- my station setup
Winlink -- other equipment options
Winlink -- Demo of my relay (live with VHF packet connection)

January 5: “Grounding and Lightning Protection,” Chuck Brudtkuhl WAØROI

Thursday, 7 pm: Number 1 Honor Roll DXer Chuck WAØROI will explain equipment installation techniques to minimize lightning impact. His presentation is based on 10 days of training related to RF and AC power mitigation at PolyPhaser (near Reno, NV).

Chuck’s in-person and on-line presentation will originate at Northcrest Community, Grand Room, 2300 Northcrest Parkway (an entrance drive south from 24th Street, across from Ames Community School System offices). Please follow Northcrest Community’s current safety protocol.