February 2012 SCARC meeting

The next meeting of the Story County Amateur Radio Club will be at 7:30 pm, Thursday, February 2, 2012, at the 4-H building on the southwest corner of 13th Street and Stange Road in Ames (but actually off of Wanda Daley Road).

The program "How Close Can they be Stacked?" will be presented by K0CQ.

January 2012 SCARC meeting

The next meeting of the Story County Amateur Radio Club will be at 7:30 pm, Thursday, January 12, 2012, at the 4-H building on the southwest corner of 13th Street and Stange Road in Ames (but actually off of Wanda Daley Road). Note that for this month only we will meet on the second Thursday of the month.

The program for the January SCARC meeting will be a a presentation on lightning protection, given by WA0ROI.