February 1: “Spurious Emissions, makes a grown man cry”

Claus Niesen AE0S will deliver a presentation titled “Spurious Emissions, makes a grown man cry”

Claus's presentation will cover what spurious emissions are, their relevance to FCC rules, how to measure them, and the bitter truth. He will demonstrate these measurements 'live' with a spectrum analyzer during the presentation.

Time: 7 pm presentation, brief club business meeting to follow.

December 7: "It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a... balloon???"

SCARC President Paul Cowley W0YR will deliver a presentation titled: "It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a... balloon??? - Tracking, Decoding, and Recovering Radiosondes"

Paul's presentation will include background information regarding radiosondes and atmospheric sounding balloon flights in addition to covering the technical aspects of setting up a receiving station to track and decode these radiosondes. He will also include techniques for tracking and recovering NWS radiosondes, and demonstrate live data captured from his 'feeder' station.