June 1: "Surrender on the Air" by Bill Boswell, WI0JK

The Story County Amateur Radio Club will meet on Thursday, June 1, at 7:00 PM. Bill Boswell, WI0JK, will present, “Surrender on the Air.” During WWII, Bill’s father was a radio operator in the Army Airways Communication System (AACS) in New Guinea and the Philippines. His station copied the surrender message traffic between General MacArthur and the Japanese Imperial Headquarters. Bill will share his father’s first-hand experiences and source material, and highlight some interesting details that were left out of the official historical transcripts.

May 4: “Relief experiences with the Red Cross” by Juan Trujillo, NØPSF

Juan Trujillo N0PSF will deliver a presentation titled "Relief experiences with the Red Cross." As his pictures will show, Juan's Red Cross assignments have taken him to areas devastated by hurricanes. He also has joined the ARRL field team and shared his unique communications skills.

NOTE: This meeting will be a "hybrid" meeting starting at 7:00pm on Thursday May 4, with an in-person gathering in Grand Room 1 at Northcrest Community combined with an online meeting via Microsoft Teams.